As for our life, I'm starting to think about decorating Luca's room downstairs. I think we'll move him down there at night soon.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, day 83
I know I said I was only going to post once a week but this is a very cute video! I couldn't resist! I especially like Fab's cowboy accent! Needless to say, Fab was a lot more tired than Luca after this session!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, day 82
I love it when he crashed like this!

In other exciting news, Luca and I will be coming home to BC for a week from April 8th-15th! I'm super stoked! Can't wait to see everyone and have the chance for Luca to meet everyone too!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 22nd, day 75
Sadly no pictures or videos today! I think it's the first post I have without any. We spent the warm beautiful day buying jeans that fit my new hips! Woohoo - I'll finally be able to put away my maternity pants!
Saturday, March 21st, day 74
Friday, March 20th, day 73
Luca and I had a fairly adventurous day driving around the city running errands. The pot holes from winter in Montreal are pretty horrible and if I'm not careful, they can do a lot of damage to Big Red (my car). She is doing well these days but I'm worried as she's not a great family car. She's great for commuting, but has not enough protection in case we were ever in an accident. Eventually we'll have to budget a more reasonable vehicle into the family. The driver's in Montreal are of the craziest I've ever seen. New York is easier to drive in than here so I get a bit nervous when I have to try to predict the traffic and dodge the pot holes at the same time. Luca doesn't seem to mind though! He usually passes out as soon as we get going, or he quietly kicks and waves his arms around to entertain himself! He's such a good boy. I'm so lucky! Here's a short video of Fab helping him with his gas! Unfortunely he didn't let any rip on camera though!
Thursday, March 19th, day 72
Wednesday, March 18th, day 71
With the warmer weather, Luca and I have been trecking around outside a lot more. I'm loving it! It's going to be great when I don't have to bundle Luca up tons just to take him out! Here's a video of Luca catching some exercise! He's so cute! I couldn't be happier with him.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17th, day 70
I've been getting this super cute little smile when I talk to Luca! Sometimes I get bigger smiles but they're pretty hard to catch on camera!
The weather lately has been wonderful. Very spring-like. It's so much easier to take Luca out of the house and I'm really enjoying the fresh air on our walks. I feel so much better after getting a bit of sun. Lately I've noticed Luca's eyelashes are growing even longer! He's also getting to be quite a weight to carry around. I'm guessing he weighs around 15 pounds these days! I've been experimenting with clothe diapers and the Gdiaper system (which is a flushable insert in a clothe diaper). I'm not sure if it's going to last. I think Luca prefers the Seventh Generation diapers much better.
Here's a short video of Luca helping me sing the alphabet song!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16th, day 69
Sunday, March 15th, day 68
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday March 13th, day 66
Today we are welcoming our newest member of the family - a new 46 inch Sony TV! Aquiring it pretty much took up most of the day. We rented Lord of the Rings and which was really impressive on the massive screen!
Not much video of Luca today as you can tell! You can hear his hungry cry in this video!
Thursday, March 12, day 65
I had my dental check up today! No cavities! All that flossing is paying off! We all went out for a last lunch as Gina and Cyril were leaving in the evening. We found an awesome restaurant that doesn't serve anything with the 8 most common allergens in it - ie: gluten, nuts, milk, fish and seafood, eggs, soya, peanuts, and sesame! Pretty cool concept these days and incredible food as well! It was sad to see Gina and Cyril leave, we had a wonderful visit. In the video I'm sporting some clothes that Marg and Henry generously gave to me. Many thanks again!
Wednesday, March 11, day 64
Happy 2nd Birthday Diego!!! We're all thinking of you from Montreal! (I know it's a little late now!)
Today, it was incredibly windy. It was fairly warm but difficult to walk about. Fabien had some dental work done and was in a fair amount of pain so we stayed pretty low key.
It's hard to tell in the video but both Fab and Luca are snoring! It was really cute!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10th, day 63
We had a lovely stay at Mont Tremblant as you can see on the video. In the afternoon, Fab snowboarded and Cyril skied while Gina, Luca and I came home. There's lots of footage of Fab and Cyril on the hill but it's of Blair Witch Project quality and I was getting a little motion sick watching it! All the more respect to my brother Paul who makes it look easy when he films skiing! At home, the washing machine was finally fixed by the rudest repairman ever. 10 weeks late. Anyway, it was a great day afterall. Not much video of Luca. He was great though, lots of quiet awake time, and good naps. He slept a record 7 hours in the night (with his Dad - it was incredibly cute) I was wide awake hoping I could offload some my milk . . . but happy he's sleeping longer more consistently!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, day 62
Today, went rented a chalet at Mont Tremblant. We were waiting on a replacement part for my washing machine but the company failed to tell us they weren't coming today. NEVER buy Samsung. I have never seen such horrible service and we only bought our washing machine in October. I wanted the new machine in anticipation of Luca - it broke 4 days before he was born and we're still waiting for it to be fixed. Don't buy Samsung for anything. That's my advice. Anyway, after we lost a lot of time waiting for the repairman that would never come, we finally made it out the door (with about 20 changes of clothing for Luca . . . just in case! - it was his first night away from home!!!) Mont Tremblant is just over an hour out of Montreal. Our chalet (which was like a townhouse in the town of chalets) was beautiful. We had a stunning view of the mountain, a jacuzzi, two balconies that we didn't use because it's wintery and we don't smoke, and 2 queen beds, plus one single bed so we were well set in the sleeping department! It was a wonderful stay, lovely to get out of the city. It was my second stay at Mont Tremblant and I still haven't made it into the village! Maybe next time! I hear it's an exact replica of Whistler - but I'm not sure if that's the village layout or the mountain layout. Fabien edited this video.
Sunday, March 8th, day 61
Luca started smiling today!!! I think it was actually yesterday but he was so groggy from the shots that it wasn't clear! It's hard to catch them on camera but I think we got a couple here. There's also a nice shot of Luca doing some of his muscle man poses! As for what we did today, it kinda slipped away from us! I forgot the time change and was late to pick up Marg and Mandy to take them to the airport. It worked out in the end but I was stressed for a little while! In the evening. Johan and Gaelle came over for dinner and brought an amazing Macaroon desert from their extremely successful store La Maison de Macoroon. Macaroons are a Parisienne delicassy that I would gladly live off (but I'd probably get diabetes). Johan is cousins with Fabien and Cyril.
Saturday, March 7, day 60
I got a little behind with the blog over the last few days! I was having a good time with my company. On Saturday, Luca had his first shots!!! A much more tramatic event for me than for him - I would gladly take twenty shots to his two. The first one he let us know that he didn't like it but settled pretty quickly. The second, I was breastfeeding him throughout as it's his greatest source of comfort and it's a pretty painful shot for the little guy. He cried for a minute and then was fine. His legs didn't swell or anything like that - he was really my hero. My aunt Marg, and cousin Mandy were in town so Luca and I spent the afternoon with them while Fab, Gina and Cyril visited a friend. Luca was pretty groggy from the shots and made for a perfect baby! He couldn't quite muster up the energy to get a good cry on! He just slept and sat around like a little fat lump! It was wonderful to see Marg and Mandy. I hope they can visit more often! We had a lovely afternoon in busy downtown Montreal.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6th, day 59
Luca is 2 months old today! We didn't really celebrate . . . but he's getting lots of love from his Oncle Cyril and Grandmere Gina! Lucky boy, he barely touches the ground! He's going to miss them when they leave - me too! We went to the Old Port and wandered around. We had lunch out again (I'm getting good at feeding him in bathroom stalls!). After lunch, Gina and I went the casino while Fab and Cyril took care of Luca. We didn't win big but we didn't lose too much either. It was fun to go out like that . . . a luxury for me these days! Here's a video from Gran and one of Luca's day as well!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5th, day 58
It's wonderful having all the help around the house again! I don't have to cook (I hate cooking) and Cyril is taking care of all the diaper changes (except the night ones)! We went downtown to hunt for a new pair of snow pants for Fabien but the stores have already moved on to bikini's!! It's still 10 below outside. It was Luca's first trip on the public transit and first time in a restaurant! The restaurant was way too noisy and I wouldn't want to do public transit with a stroller alone yet. It's not easy. Lots of stairs etc. I was happy to get home - even with the extra help of Fab, Cyril and Gina, I find it pretty stressful to be out with Luca in highly populated places. When he's a bit older I'm sure I'll feel more comfortable. In the evening Fab and Cyril went to the gym while Gina and I layed low around the house. Cyril is an amazing chef (by trade) and made spring rolls for dinner. He can cut shallots finer than my food processor - and almost as fast!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday, March 4th, day 57
Fab went to the airport to pick up Gina and Cyril today. They had a good voyage. It's great to see them. We stayed pretty mellow as they are jet lagged 6 hours ahead of us. With all the excitement we got lots of footage so I was able to make a decent video!
Tuesday, March 3rd, day 56
Luca's receding hair line! He loves his bathtime.
Luca is 8 weeks old today. He spent the day pretty gassy and I wasn't able to get much done. I took him out in his new snowsuit twice because he always is mellow in the snuggly. Tomorrow, Fab's mom, Gina, and twin brother, Cyril, arrive from Paris for a week long visit. Luca was so excited he barely slept! Little monster!!! On the development front, his arms and legs are starting to look like over stuffed sausage!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, day 55
Luca and I were pretty mellow today. In the evening I was able to get a lot done around the house which was a huge treat! I never thought I'd be so excited to have a chance to make my bed and swep the floors! This is a quick little video to demonstrate Lucas amazing cheek cushions . . . if they stay this big he'll never need a pillow!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, day 54
This might be my favourite Fab and Luca picture to date! Those smiles are getting closer and closer . . .

Today Fab and I took Luca out in the stroller for a long walk. We picked up a nice snowsuit for Luca as he's getting
too big for the white one Gramma gave us. I was pretty tired after the walk . . . man, am I out of shape! It was a
great day! Here's a little montage I made!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, Feb 28, day 53
I had the most wonderful massage today! Afterwards, Fab put Luca in the snuggly and we went for a walk. It was about 10 below and quite chilly with the wind but wonderfully sunny. In the evening I had an awesome video conference with my parents and my brother Jesse! (Or was that yesterday?? I might have my days confused . . . it's all running together!)
Luca has had a couple nights of waking every two hours but he treated us last night with a 5 hour stretch!
Friday, Feb 27, day 52
Today, it rained all day which meant warmer weather. Luca's eyelashes and eyebrows are longer and darker than before. I'm finding it a bit difficult these days to stay on top of this blog but I'll try to get my routine back soon. This is Fab's editing on the video, I think it's great!
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Blog Archive
- Monday, March 30, day 83
- Sunday, March 29, day 82
- Sunday, March 22nd, day 75
- Saturday, March 21st, day 74
- Friday, March 20th, day 73
- Thursday, March 19th, day 72
- Wednesday, March 18th, day 71
- Tuesday, March 17th, day 70
- Monday, March 16th, day 69
- Sunday, March 15th, day 68
- Saturday, March 14th, day 67
- Friday March 13th, day 66
- Thursday, March 12, day 65
- Wednesday, March 11, day 64
- Tuesday, March 10th, day 63
- Monday, March 9, day 62
- Sunday, March 8th, day 61
- Saturday, March 7, day 60
- Friday, March 6th, day 59
- Thursday, March 5th, day 58
- Wednesday, March 4th, day 57
- Tuesday, March 3rd, day 56
- Monday, March 2, day 55
- Sunday, March 1, day 54
- Saturday, Feb 28, day 53
- Friday, Feb 27, day 52