What a clever boy!

This phone doesn't work so it's a great toy!

This picture doesn't do justice to the wonderful relationship Luca has with his Grampa!

Luca, and apricot, and his Unca Jesse!

This is his second apricot. We picked it off our tree so it's as fresh as it can get!

The phone is the toy of choice! Fab was talking to Luca's Grandpa Denis with Luca.
The last couple weeks have gone by in a blur! My last week in Summerland was wonderful. I was sorry to leave but ready to get my life going again in Montreal. Luca's 4th tooth came through in that time. My journey back to Montreal with Luca went really smoothly due to the good luck of sitting next to a super nice woman who loved playing with Luca! She held Luca for at least half the flight! By the end of the trip, Luca was crying in my arms and only happy in hers! I was very thankful she was with me - what luck.
Luca took a couple days to get back on the eastern time zone. He's sleeping well and doesn't seem to mind the incredible humidity. It's hot here. Often over 30 with the humidex. I've made bread for the first time which is going to save a lot of money. I hate spending as much as we do on bread.
Luca continues to get more and more expressive everyday. He's so much fun to be with. He has a cranky day before a tooth comes through - the 5th is through this morning, the bottom two and three on the top. He doesn't need much attention but he loves being around people. Doesn't matter who! He's rolling over both ways now, though he doesn't roll from back to front that often. We are busy baby-proofing the house, he's always after the electrical cords, or anything he shouldn't have! He's eaten a couple jade plant leaves, but they successfully passed through his little system - I wonder what else he's eaten when I'm not looking! I've been cleaning the floor everyday now!