Luca finds a puddle.
My first trip to Ottawa to visit our good friend Karin. Just Luca and I went. Ottawa is only 2 hours from Montreal - door to door (in good traffic). This picture is just outside the parliament buildings in front of the British Columbia plaque.
Luca in a shoe.
First shaving lesson.
Fabien, Luca and I went to Ottawa for Canada day. It was wonderful. Our good friend Karin put us up for the two nights (thanks again!) and lives about 2 blocks from the Parliament buildings so we were in the heart of it all. We "saw" the Queen, or more the top of the Mounties that around her car but I'm told she was wearing white! Ottawa on Canada day is a must do. It's full of fun things to do for all ages.
Looking over the Ottawa River, between Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec, July 2nd.
Luca being patriotic on Canada Day in Ottawa in front of the Parliament buildings!
There's the parliament buildings and the band stand where the Bare Naked Ladies played (we left before though, there were too many people!)
I nice man let Luca sit on his beautiful Motorbike! Luca loves Motorcycles and Vespa's more than anything else in the world (except anything else with wheels!)
The opening night of the Fifa world cup at our friend Tarik's house. Luca and Loic are playing with a sliding door. The France uniform turned out to be a big waste of money! Cute none the less though!
We've been watching Fifa as much as possible. I have started the second half of my French class at Concordia University. The next 6 weeks of summer are going to be crazy busy before we head to France for 2 weeks to visit the family there. Fabien has quit smoking (!!!!) and replaced cigarettes with running. I have put a child seat on my bike and we all go up the mountain together. Luca enjoys the bike ride - especially patting my behind to make me go faster (which doesn't usually work when I'm going up hill!)
This video has some of Fabien and Luca playing together. You can see the new water park just a few blocks from our house. It's wonderful. Fab and I foresee many a' hour playing there in the summers! Luca, Steph, Julian (our neighbours whom we're lucky enough to see all the time) are playing on the bed and you can hear Luca's favourite word "Cow" which means car! I give a tour of our reno's (which are finally done!!!) but the battery on the camera cuts out. You can get the gist of the work that was done though, please excuse the messy house. I can never seem to get on top of it! I didn't get any footage of our semi-basement but it looks better than ever!