Happy New Year! Sorry for the delay between posts. The holiday season was wonderful but busy as usual. We got a new camera on boxing day, a Nikon D3100, and though Fabien has mastered it, I am not doing so well! I need to take time to figure out how to use it properly.
Luca celebrated his 3rd birthday on the 6th. Thanks everyone for passing on their birthday wishes to him! He is growing and learning. He is speaking tons, more and more in French, which I love. He is also exercises his right to his temper. It's a bit of a power struggle sometimes. He is potty training and we are hoping there will be an end to diapers soon!
Julie is three months old now and also growing tons. I have had to cut the feet off her 6 month old pj's so she fits in them. She has long legs! (Not to mention fat!!!) She is a very easy baby and only cries when she has a great reason. She sleeps well generally though I would love her to start sleeping 6 hours stretches consistently at night. It's a little different every night and depends more on her poops than her hunger. If she poops well in the evening she'll sleep for ages. She smiles all the time and likes to see what's going on.
Again I have put the pictures from most recent to older - by accident!
Luca helped himself to a whole tomatoe!
Just starting the Jolly Jumper.

This picture scares me a little bit! Feels a bit like our reality sometimes!

Merci Bea!

Luca is still the master of puzzles.

This was on top of the mountain just after Christmas. It had warmed up for a couple days and then frozen again so it was solid ice. We went way too fast down this hill! My butt hurt the next day . . . but man was it fun!

The picture requested by Jesse and Dad.
One of the first shots with the new camera.

Luca's Christmas show. Fab and I missed it by accident and I was devistated. Our friend took these pictures for us.

Look way left!

Singing Petit Papa Noel!

Our cheesy photo shoot! We promised Luca a candy if he smiled!

Will try to get some video soon but I haven't been using my video camera much these days.