Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday October 22nd, day 289

Luca, the messiest eater ever. In this picture you can't see the food sprayed all over the wall as well.

Luca has started to sleep through the night!!! I can't believe how great this is! He sleeps from around 7:30pm to 6am. He's taking a nap on the way to daycare around 8:30 that I think we could add onto his night so he might sleep until 7am. Right now we're so happy he's able to fall back asleep on his own when he wakes in the night that we don't want to mess with the mornings yet! Maybe next week we'll work on them and gradually try to leave him in his crib at 6am until 7am and see if he falls back asleep for good.

He's still not taking formula. I'm thinking about putting him on a breast milk strike until he gets used to formula. I'll pump to keep my supply. The only thing that worries me about this is that he won't get as many antibodies out of formula and even if I continue to breast feed once a day, I'm not sure it'll be enough. He's bringing home a steady stream of colds from the daycare, this week it's pink eye which kept us both home for a couple days (not to mention the 4 hour wait at the drop-in clinic to see a doctor), so I think my breast milk is still very important for him. I just want to be able to drink formula and stay at the daycare the full day instead of finishing at around 2pm everyday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 9th, day 276

Luca and his friend Francesca who is 5 weeks older than him! She is also WAY more mobile than him, but they have a great time together!

Luca is almost crawling - he can crawl now but prefers his faster belly sliding! He stands up on anything and everything - from bookshelves to garbage cans!!! He's keeping us busy!

Daycare is going really well. On average he is staying there from about 8:30 to 1:30. He doesn't seem to cry there except when he's dealing with teeth pain - which he has been a lot lately. Since he already has all 8 front teeth, he's getting either eye teeth or molars next and they are a lot more painful. I've been slightly worried about him as he's had a day or two of real crankyness and borderline fever from it. He still has a bit of a cough from his daycare colds as well. Really he's amazingly tough!

Fabien and I have been working on helping Luca learn how to sleep through the night. With the colds and teeth pain it's hard for me to stick to the rules - which are basically let him cry it out (within reason). Over the last week, he has been going to bed at around 8pm and getting up at 5:30ish but wanting another nap about an hour later. We can hear him wake up one or two times through the night and he usually plays and stands in his crib. He cries for a while but it's not an "I'm desperate" cry. He always wakes up smiling!

In this video you can see him playing with Francesca which was super cute! My favourite part his Luca's new found talent in the car . . .
