This picture was taking three feet away from Luca . . . he's getting so big! Just kidding!
Luca and Gaia hanging out together! Gaia is half Korean and completely cute!

On Saturday, Ballet Jorgen Canada drove through Montreal on their way back from Halifax. Luca and I had brunch with some of the dancers which was a special treat for me. Luca took the opportunity to have his picture taken with a couple of Canada's best dancers.
Luca and Cristina
Luca and Tara. (If you've never seen Tara dance, your life isn't complete)

It's been a fairly busy week. I can't believe how fast April went by! Luca and I spent quite a bit of time with Kim and Gaia (I went to highschool in Vancouver with Kim and Gaia should have two dots above the 'i' but I don't know how to do that!). Gaia is a month younger than Luca but in some ways very much more developed! She can stand on her own if you help her balance, she can prop herself up on her elbows and she's almost rolling over! She makes Luca look lazy! However, he does have 4 pounds on her! On Friday Luca and I went to the Dr for a checkup. Luca weighs 16 pounds now which is what I thought he would. He's in the 80th percentile for weight and 75th for length. I can't remember off-hand what his length is. The Dr said everything looks good with him. On Saturday we had a cocktail party to celebrate Fab's birthday along with our friend Max who's birthday is two days before Fabien. They always celebrate together. It was very fun and I thought it was very successful! Luca and Gaia stole the show for as long as they were awake!
Montreal was 30 degrees on Monday. I walked up the Mountain with Luca in the stroller for the first time. It's been great going for walks in the warmer weather. I get so into them that sometimes I almost forget to feed and change Luca!!! Poor guy!
I think Luca is starting to reveal his neck! Until now it's been a Luca's best kept secret. I've been wondering what's going on in the folds of his multiple chins for months now! He's been really hungry the last couple days and has been waking up every three hours to feed. Must be a growth spurt. Otherwise, he's working on co-ordinating his little hands and has no interest in rolling over or finding his feet! I noticed today he was feeling pretty solid sitting on me but I'm not sure if it's muscle or fat that holds him positions!
In this video you can see Luca laughing with Fab, and him finding his hands with an awesome toy my girlfriends gave him. He's also trying to eat his rabbit and being slightly abusive to Gaia!
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