Tomorrow Luca will be 38 weeks old. Not that that really means anything to me! In a couple weeks he'll have been a land creature for longer than he was a water creature! We've spent the last couple weeks dealing with colds that Luca's bringing home from the daycare. As I'm still breastfeeding, I'm able to give Luca the antibodies he needs to fight these colds. I think that's so cool!
Luca has learned how to pull himself up to standing. He's really quite good at it - if there's something interesting worth doing all that work for! I have 22 minutes of video as I was trying to catch him doing it, but he's generally too lazy! Same with crawling on his knees. He's totally strong enough, but I think he finds his current method effective enough!
We've been sleep training him so that he'll learn how to sleep through the night. He would like to be fed every 3 hours or so during the night. The method we're attempting now is that he goes to bed around 7:30, I go down and wake him for a feeding at around 11:30 and then he'll sleep through to 6am. It works except with the colds - they're keeping him up a bit. I also find it pretty hard because if he does wake up, I have to just listen to him cry which is heart breaking for me. He needs to learn how to comfort himself.
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