On a morning walk here in Quebec City.
Luca and his Gramma have a great time with clothes pegs!
A new Francais/Anglais toy! It's a huge hit! Thanks Gramma!
Bedroom renos before . . .
And after! Yippee! The other side of the door has a half sized closet as well. Fabien and I are so excited. The reno's are going as smoothly as we could hope for but they are still stressful. They also started just as I started my work which left little extra time to clean up the dust at the end of every day.

The Olympic Torch here in Quebec City. It's a little blurry but it was so exciting to see, and right outside our hotel!
Huge Happy Birthday to Luca's Unca Jesse! Happy 30th Jess!
Luca has taken to eating only solid foods in little pieces that he can feed himself. Everything gets carefully inspected first and on occasion something gets non-chalantly dropped over the shoulder. He just makes like he's going to scratch his head and he drops the food! Often if it is reintroduced it goes down the hatch though so we're not quite sure why things are getting disregarded like this! He eats everything and lots of it! Broccoli, cheese, bread and chicken are among the favourites and nothing really gets pushed away!
He's standing and walking holding onto things alot. Soon he will walk. He's getting close now!
Notice how he falls in the bathtub in this video and doesn't cry! He's pretty tough most of the time!
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