My neighbour and I went the butterfly exhibit at the botanical gardens. It was beautiful. So nice to be surrounded by tropical conditions.
It was hard to believe these were real! They looked too cool to be true.
Luca cared more about holding onto the stroller handles than the butterflies! There was one that was trying to land on his bum! You can kinda see it just right of his head in this picture.

My little olympian!
The lady and the tramp!
My beloved neighbours made this cake for me for my birthday. My car had a loose wheel prompting me to finally go out and get another vehical. I now have a Toyota Matrix, named Mateo, that we love. I had Big Red fixed up and she'll go to another owner as soon as I can find one. The mechanic said he'd never seen a car that old in such good shape!
Hope this spell of colds passes quickly. That cake looks really incredible. Happy belated!