This photo was taken today . . . Luca riding the cat! (The cat my dad carved!)


At a Glam-Rock wedding at the beginning of the month! It was our first night away from Luca!

Luca's newest trick . . . standing on top of things to get better access to stuff he shouldn't be able to get at!

Everything is going well here. I am getting lots of work as well as taking a French class at Concordia University. I'm hopping! Luca can say, Ba for Ball, Mama, Dada, Dodo for sleep, Nana for want, Nanan for Banana (which he ate 2 in a row today!) and an assortment of other sounds that are starting to get closer to words! He's climbing on everything, and is starting have a temper when he doesn't get what he wants. He has tons of teeth, not sure how many - not going to stick my fingers in there to find out! We are going to the park all the time to kick a ball around or go to the little play on the swings/slide/sand box! He's a happy little guy and is always making out life better.
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