Since the last post, we've had a lot of adventures. I've been fairly busy making Luca's sibling and Luca is busy learning as many languages as he can. He impresses us everyday with his vocabulary and sentences. The last couple weeks he's been eating tons and when asked what he wants for dinner he'll usually reply "a pasta sandwich"! Our next thing to do is to buy him his own big boy bed. We are all eagerly awaiting spring too. Crocus' are up but it snowed on Fab's birthday and hasn't been able to get much higher than 5 degrees all week.
This is whom Luca calls "Facile". He thinks it a girl. I think it's a boy. It shall remain unknown until October! At the time of this picture almost a month ago it was almost 8cm from head to bum. I am already feeling kicks. So far so good. Emotional but content. Roughly 5 months to go!

That's Fab's hand! We went to the butterfly exhibit at the Botanical Gardens.
There were butterflies everwhere. It was really cool.
In St Maartin. Our room was right behind Fab's head.
Luca and Ton Ton Cereal!
The beach in front of our apartment. Grandmere Gina and Pappy Ray's condo was at the end of the beach behind Luca and Ton Ton. The beach was a little rocky but it didn't matter since none of us are ocean swim fanatics!

Gramma Gina and Luca.

Luca and Ton Ton Cyril! They LOVE each other!
Toronto airport on the way south, Luca poses for Fab and then sends the picture to me who was joining them a few days later.

At the Biodome. That fish was huge! Bigger than Luca! I have lots of other pics from this day bit it was easier to get a still shot of the animals than it was of Luca! He ran the whole time. It was great for his little legs!

Early March. With the sled. It was hard to play outside this winter as it was pretty chilly most of the time.

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