Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, Jan 29, day 23

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, Jan 28th, day 22
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, Jan 27, day 21

Monday, Jan 26th, day 20
I'm finding it a bit difficult to update my blog as my computer's internet is not reliable. Have patience with me! We put Luca in the snuggly again today and ventured out for an hour. It was really cold but he was toasty in my coat! Luca's getting into a habit of being restless an annoyed in the evening for an hour or two. I think it's just gas but it seems to happen to lots of babies so maybe they have an unspoken agreement amounst themselves to cry around dinner or bedtime?!!! Here's a couple video's of some good Fab and Luca time!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, Jan 25, day 19

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, day 17

Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, Jan 22, day 16

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, Jan 21, day 15
Today Luca had his first Dr's appointment. We love our Dr. Luca weighed in at 7lbs 11 ounces which is up almost a pound from his 6lbs 13 ounce birth weight. Guess it's all my milk and super fatty diet. Ma and I finished the third Christmas pudding of this winter today - for those in the family they might know this a huge extravagance to continue eating these into the new year! We still have a little sherry sauce so we'll have to make some more (sigh)!!! Here's a couple videos of some good Luca awake time.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, Jan 20, day 14

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, Jan 19, day 13

Luca was great overnight. Fab and I were able to sleep in and when I got up, I felt like I had actually slept a decent night! Today's the first day I feel like I am on a bit of a holiday, instead of sick leave. My body is feeling like my body again and I'm starting to crave getting back in shape. Luca is definately growing. He doesn't fit quite a few of his tiny outfits. He opens his eyes more often and seems to be starting to focus his eyes on things, though it's hard to tell at this point if we're giving him too much credit! One of the photos is a usual post-feeding coma and the other is Fab and Ma watching the washing machine. Pretty standard entertainment around here! Just kidding! My washing machine (which we bought a couple months ago for the arrival of Luca) has broken down a couple days before Luca was born. Hopefully it'll be fully fixed soon or we might get violent! The video is Luca testing his legs! Super cute!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday, Jan 18th, day 12

Saturday, Jan 17th, day 11

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, Jan 16th, day 10

Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, Jan 15th, day 9

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, Jan 14th, day 8

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, Jan 12, Day 6

Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, Jan 11th, day 5

Saturday, Jan 10th, Day 4

Friday, Jan 9th, day 3

Blog Archive
- Friday, Jan 30, day 24
- Thursday, Jan 29, day 23
- Wednesday, Jan 28th, day 22
- Tuesday, Jan 27, day 21
- Monday, Jan 26th, day 20
- Sunday, Jan 25, day 19
- Saturday, Jan 24, day 18
- Friday, January 23, day 17
- Thursday, Jan 22, day 16
- Wednesday, Jan 21, day 15
- Tuesday, Jan 20, day 14
- Monday, Jan 19, day 13
- Sunday, Jan 18th, day 12
- Saturday, Jan 17th, day 11
- Friday, Jan 16th, day 10
- Thursday, Jan 15th, day 9
- Wednesday, Jan 14th, day 8
- Tuesday Jan 13th, day 7
- Monday, Jan 12, Day 6
- Sunday, Jan 11th, day 5
- Saturday, Jan 10th, Day 4
- Friday, Jan 9th, day 3
- Thursday, Jan 8th, day 2
- Wednesday, Jan 7th, Day 1
- Tuesday, January 6th, day 0