Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, Jan 30, day 24

We finally caught a Luca sneeze! Notice the classic "ah-ah-ah"s leading up to it!

Today, we took Luca into Fab's work to show him off. Fab was such a proud father! We wanted to stop in at Studio Praxis where I work but ran out of time between feeds! Next week we'll get there.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, Jan 29, day 23

Luca loves having his index finger curled up like in this picture! He often has some of the weirdest and most articulate hand gestures I've ever noticed in a baby! It has taken us ages to finally capture his fingure like this on film.
This series of shots took place over about 20 minutes! Luca loves bending backwards! I think he was really cramped the other way in the womb and he's making up for it now! He was fast asleep in these shots. Thanks Grampa for the arrangement here!
I think Luca had a bit of a cold overnight as he was a bit snuffly. He didn't sleep well and required a lot of comforting. It's tough because he's so cute and we love him so much that we never want to put him to bed . . . but we also want him to learn to sleep on his own. Generally Luca is a great sleeper and can handle armageddon next door without moving . . . except for the first time we try to put him to bed each night. He must just like being awake in those hours. I remember him kicking a lot in the womb when I was trying to go to bed.
During the day, we had an awesome visit from my friend Alisia and her super mobile 7 month old Samuelle. It's a glimps into the future! Ma went to the indoor running track at the McGill Sports Centre just down the road where she ran in circles and thoroughly over-heated.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 28th, day 22

Today Montreal got 25 centimeters of snow. It took poor Fab and 1.5 hours to get home from work! We stayed inside today and worked on growing (Luca that is!)! Here's a couple video's - notice the classic Luca squeek in the second one! He has some pretty funny noises!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, Jan 27, day 21

Here's Fab getting some snuggle time in with Luca!
My first time out with the stroller! A year ago I would never have thought . . . !

3 weeks! It goes quickly! Today I had to get a sample of pee from Luca to send off for tests. Ma and I gave him a bath first to make sure he was clean! Here's a shot of my little Tadpole - who loves water - and his cutest-ever little bum! In the evening I recieved a visit from a man about RESP's (Register Education Saving Plan). Not sure what we'll do with that yet . . .

Monday, Jan 26th, day 20

I'm finding it a bit difficult to update my blog as my computer's internet is not reliable. Have patience with me! We put Luca in the snuggly again today and ventured out for an hour. It was really cold but he was toasty in my coat! Luca's getting into a habit of being restless an annoyed in the evening for an hour or two. I think it's just gas but it seems to happen to lots of babies so maybe they have an unspoken agreement amounst themselves to cry around dinner or bedtime?!!! Here's a couple video's of some good Fab and Luca time!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, Jan 25, day 19

Here's Luca showing off his new socks! They're almost knee-high's! Maybe he's thinking about becoming a soccer player?! Today, I went out for an hour all by myself which was much needed! In the evening we had some visits from friends which Luca was very well behaved for. He was a bit of a tyrant before bed but settled down for a really good night of sleep. What a good little boy! Also today, I noticed people have been leaving comments on this blog! Thanks to all! Lance - Fab no longer smokes with his toes but he can slice bread with those suckers!

Saturday, Jan 24, day 18

Today, Luca was very good. Fab and I went out to check out a couple baby stores. It's easier going out now that Luca's getting stabler. It was nice to have Fab home from work to spend more time with his son!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, day 17

Lots of pictures today. The second one is of Luca with all the amazing gifts Fab's co-workers at Aeroplan gave him. Thank you so much! Fab and I are very grateful. Last night, Luca slept a 5 1/2 hour stretch!!! I actually woke him up to feed him because I was beginning to worry he wouldn't ever want to eat! I felt great in the morning with all those consecutive hours of sleep! Unfortunately (as I'm writing this on Saturday) he made up for all that success by barely sleeping between Friday and Saturday . . . hopefully it was just a one time problem. During the day on Friday, we didn't really do anything! The only problem with writing this blog is I'm starting to realize how little I'm doing each day! At the same time, I'm eagerly awaiting warmer weather when we can venture outside more easily for long walks and I can get some much needed exercise. Since Luca was born, the weather has stayed mostly at around -15 degrees. The sidewalks are generally fairly slippery - which is fine unless you worried about tripping onto your perfect newborn baby boy! It's easy to want to stay indoors!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, Jan 22, day 16

Luca slept 4 hours between feeds overnight which was amazing! In the morning Ma and I put him in a snuggly that Dana donated to us (thanks again Paul and Dana for all the things you gave us!) and went across the street to the grocery store. He was buried in my coat and was pretty hot when we took him out! His neck is getting stronger each day - I notice I'm not nearly as worried about supporting his head. At just over two weeks I guess I can have patience for him to hold his head up on his own. He's been able to turn his head, when on his tummy, since we brought him home from the hospital! In the evening he was a little over-excited to see Fab and took to some soothing but generally slept all day! We had a lunch visit from my friend Amy and her 7 week old daughter, Francesca, and Luca slept through the whole thing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 21, day 15

Today Luca had his first Dr's appointment. We love our Dr. Luca weighed in at 7lbs 11 ounces which is up almost a pound from his 6lbs 13 ounce birth weight. Guess it's all my milk and super fatty diet. Ma and I finished the third Christmas pudding of this winter today - for those in the family they might know this a huge extravagance to continue eating these into the new year! We still have a little sherry sauce so we'll have to make some more (sigh)!!! Here's a couple videos of some good Luca awake time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, Jan 20, day 14

Two weeks! It goes quickly . . . unless you count all the feeds! Today Fabien went back to work so it was up to me to do all the night time changes as well as feeds. Luca was pretty difficult and didn't eat easily. I think he was pretty gassy (don't know how to spell that!). During the day I was able to go out by myself for 45 minutes and felt liberated for doing so! I vacuumed and cleaned all the things that have been driving me crazy since I returned from the hospital. My house-keeping instincts have been on over-drive since Luca was born! I didn't expect this side effect . . . but I could easily clean this house down to it's foundations instead of resting when Luca's sleeping. It's weird! I have had to listen to Ma and Fab, and lay low while they take care of everything. I couldn't do it without them. I'm sure my body wouldn't have healed as quickly without their help. Here are some pictures of Luca reacting to the noise of the vacuum!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, Jan 19, day 13

Luca was great overnight. Fab and I were able to sleep in and when I got up, I felt like I had actually slept a decent night! Today's the first day I feel like I am on a bit of a holiday, instead of sick leave. My body is feeling like my body again and I'm starting to crave getting back in shape. Luca is definately growing. He doesn't fit quite a few of his tiny outfits. He opens his eyes more often and seems to be starting to focus his eyes on things, though it's hard to tell at this point if we're giving him too much credit! One of the photos is a usual post-feeding coma and the other is Fab and Ma watching the washing machine. Pretty standard entertainment around here! Just kidding! My washing machine (which we bought a couple months ago for the arrival of Luca) has broken down a couple days before Luca was born. Hopefully it'll be fully fixed soon or we might get violent! The video is Luca testing his legs! Super cute!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, Jan 18th, day 12

Fab and Luca spending sometime "skin to skin" which is a great comfort for Luca.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that Luca had his first bath in the bath tub with Fab. He loves the water and only complains if he gets chilly which I can totally understand . . . I hate being cold too! Anyway, overnight he wasn't the best sleeper, but Fab took care of him so I had a good night. I am so thankful! Today was pretty normal. I went for a walk around the park outside our house. It's about 3 blocks by 1 block so it's a nice stroll and the furthest I've walked since the pre-Luca days. It felt good to stretch my legs and breathe fresh air. I also made dinner, giving my loyal servants a break!!! I don't know how I'd do this without Ma and Fab's help.

Saturday, Jan 17th, day 11

Today we dressed Luca up for a run but he decided to sleep instead! I'm not sure if his little bow legs would be great on the snow anyway! He lasted an hour or so in that cute outfit before he peed on it! It's the case anytime we put effort into dressing him! Pamper's are the only diapers that seem to work sometimes, and even then, it's not always. Last night Luca was a wonderful sleeper giving Fab and I 3 hours at a time and going straight to bed without complaints after each feeding. I've noticed his cheeks could put a chipmunk to shame these days, he's really developing his sucking muscles. His appetite increases everyday and my demand is leveling off to meet him. What a relief! I was worried I would have to pump milk everyday just to be comfortable. Since he sleeps all but an hour in the day, we're not getting many pictures. I'm going to try to get a video of some of the cute squeeking noises he makes when he's waking up sometime soon though!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, Jan 16th, day 10

Luca is 10 days old today! Sometime overnight his umbilical cord fell off. I think the nurses said that would happen between 7-10 days so he's right on track. Luca managed to stay awake for an hour or so this afternoon which was a big change from the hibernation he was doing the last couple days! After all that activity, Luca and I took a nap together on the couch, which Fab took this photo of. Fab and I went out to run some errands. It was furthest I have been from him, as we drove a couple kilometers to get to Canadian Tire. I noticed a definate invisible bungee cord pulling me back home the further I got away! I could barely hold a conversation with Fab in the store as I was completely focused on getting the stuff we needed and getting home in time for the next feeding!!! It was nice to see the world outside the condo though!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, Jan 15th, day 9

Luca is onto a feeding every 2-2 1/2 hour schedule these days. He's eating more and more everyday and sleeping off all that hard work! He's good in the nights until around 4-6 am when he needs a bit of exercise. Today Luca had his second bath, which was a lot more successful than the first one! It can be difficult to get pictures of him as all he does is sleep! I've added a picture of Ma coming back from a 1 hour run up the mountain in 20 below temperatures!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 14th, day 8

Today's Luca's due date! To celebrate, he slept all day! When lying on his stomach he can flip his head to the other side if he wants but usually he just eats and sleeps and fills diapers! Notice the picture of the huge belly after a feeding! It looks painfully full! I'm happy he's eating more each day. I've attached some more comparison pictures . . . notice how Luca's whole foot is only slightly bigger than Fab's big toe! Also notice Fab's stance while changing a diaper! It as if Luca were a bomb instead of a baby! And a shot of Luca's impression of Dr. Evil. Luca's cousin Piper is not the only Dr. Evil in the family!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Jan 13th, day 7

Wow! 1 week already! Time flies. Today I am feeling definately tired . . . naps are no longer optional. I am so thankful to have the support of Ma and Fab. How do single mom's do it??? Today I decided to take some comparison shots of hands and feet because they aren't getting any smaller!

Monday, Jan 12, Day 6

Not much has changed in the world of Luca today. We are noticing how much he is starting to fill out. He's getting bigger already which kinda makes me sad! I'm happy he's healthy though! On Monday night Luca really tried Fab's patience . . . Fab changed him, he was still a bit unhappy so I fed him. He filled his diaper again during that feeding so Fab changed him . . . during that changing he peed all over Fab's pj's! Just when Fab got the last button done up on his sleeper . . . he filled his diaper again!!!! That was all around 1am! I laughed so hard! Here's a shot of him in his night owl sleeper. The french word for owl is hibou which is pronounced "ebu". Super cute! Today, my engagement ring came back from being refitted. It's still a bit big but I'm able to wear it with another little ring holding it on. Another lesson in patience . . . don't try to fit rings when your pregnant!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, Jan 11th, day 5

Today I had to use the double electric breast pumps as my supply could easily have fed three instead of one and it was becoming too painful. I took a little more than 4 ounces off each side and still had enough to feed him right after. He was really happy after that feeding as he got a lot of the hind milk which has more fat in it than the fore milk. The fore milk is the thirst quencher. The pump had Fab and Ma in hysterics! I felt incredible relief and would like to pump all the time except it only increases supply! It's a connundrum that I'm really hoping will level off within a week! Fingers crossed. In the evening Luca got his first bath at home. He loved having his head washed but there was a pretty funny projectile french mustard coloured poop incident when we got to that area! I was laughing too hard to finish the job and Fab had to step in and take over! Today he started taking the vitamin D supplement which he will get as long as he breast feeds. Also, today his name, Luca, became official. I had been a bit hesitant but it's growing on me more and more.

Saturday, Jan 10th, Day 4

Today I was able to sneak out of the house briefly and get a much needed nursing bra. It was another thing I had planned to do in the week before I was due. Our routine was getting more and more established. In the morning a nurse came over to make sure everything was ok. She gave us long lectures about getting enough rest (sleep when the baby sleeps). Wise advice. She weighed him in at only one ounce less than his birth weight. A task he had two weeks to complete. He was born at 3099grams, left the hospital at 2965grams and was back up to 3070grams today. Guess all my milk is working!

Friday, Jan 9th, day 3

Between Thursday and Friday Fab and I started getting our night-time routine on. Fab changes diapers and I feed! What a great system! Fab chats away to Luca in french who usually lets us no loud and clear that he doesn't like being changed! After he is easily calmed and gets a feeding, he uses this time to fill the diaper again!! Fab's so proud of him! I weighed myself and have lost 20 of the 40 pounds I had gained. My deflated-blow-fish style stomach is going down faster than I could have hoped for. In the evening we had a visit from Marie-Noel and Vincent (our roommates when I first moved to Montreal) who have a three week old daughter, Romane. The size difference is scary! I don't want Luca to grow that fast!
