Luca is 10 days old today! Sometime overnight his umbilical cord fell off. I think the nurses said that would happen between 7-10 days so he's right on track. Luca managed to stay awake for an hour or so this afternoon which was a big change from the hibernation he was doing the last couple days! After all that activity, Luca and I took a nap together on the couch, which Fab took this photo of. Fab and I went out to run some errands. It was furthest I have been from him, as we drove a couple kilometers to get to Canadian Tire. I noticed a definate invisible bungee cord pulling me back home the further I got away! I could barely hold a conversation with Fab in the store as I was completely focused on getting the stuff we needed and getting home in time for the next feeding!!! It was nice to see the world outside the condo though!
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