It all began around 4am as I awoke with gentle contractions and a feeling that something was different today compared to other days. I thought I was probably over-reacting and this was likely false labour as my estimated due date wasn't until the 14th. At 5am my water broke and I realized there's no going back now! Fab and I went to the hospital at 9am, my contractions were around five minutes apart but not really taking all my concentration yet. I was 2cm dialated when I arrived. By around 1:30-2pm I was 4cm and not able to hold a conversation. I went into the bathtub at around 3pm which was marvelous as the weighlessness of water took a dimension away so I could focus on the contractions a lot more . . . which were starting to come on fast and furious! At around 5 to 5:30 pm the nurse wiseless suggested we return to our room before I passed the point of no return! It was the longest 40 feet I have ever walked! When I arrived back in the room the nurse checked me and I was fully dialated!! The Dr didn't believe her and had to check again - appearently I moved quickly for a first timer! Luca was born at 6:05pm. Most of the pictures we have at this point are not appropriate for an audience! Fabien and I were on another planet. It was the most amazing experience of my life!
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