Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday, Feb 20, day 45

Luca in the snuggly after a trip to the grocery store.  It was was snowing, about 10 below with a nasty wind chill so it was a short trip!

Today's my birthday! Big thanks to Ma and Gran, Mandy for the Unilever swag, and Marg and Henry for the beautiful bouquet!  I feel pretty lucky.
Luca was great all day - very mellow.  He's becoming more and more aware of his surroundings and will turn his head to watch me if I walk back and forth in front of him!  He's feeding frequently throughout the day and hopefully is prepping to cut back his night-time feeds but I'm not holding my breath.  I don't mind feeding him in the night anyway because if I go too long without feeding him I end up with almost painfully full breasts and I have to pump anyway!
In the evening I had a great visit from my friend Brigitte whom I teach pilates with.  It was wonderful to speak with someone who can talk back!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I recognize that snuggly! Both Bella and Diego vacuumed many acres in that with me!

