Muscle man Luca! Holding the whole pillow with only two fingers!

Luca's showing off his bum! Our couch and chair are proving to be the perfect to practice standing. The leather is also easy to clean and a bit sticky under the feet so they don't slip.

Always a wonderful moment (and rare!)

Luca is loving to stand these days. He's developing upper body strength when he's on his tummy and starting to try to pull his hands and knees underneath himself at the same time. It'll be a while before he really gets this going though! He has a couple teeth, on the bottom, that seem really close to the surface, but it's so hard to tell how close they are. He whimpers when chewing things sometimes so I bet his gums are giving him grief. Last weekend we bought a new car seat for him which will hopefully see him through to two years. Most excitingly though, (at least for me!) is that we have purchased a little training potty and Luca has really taken to it! In the last three days he has pooped on it 5 times! He seems to really understand what to do while on it and goes right away. I'm not sure if it'll cut out any future potty training time, but I don't think it hurts to start the awareness - elimination communication (as it's called these days) now. It also means he spends less time in dirty diapers which must be nicer for him.
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