That little shiny bit on the bottom gums is actually a tooth!

On Monday Luca turned 6 months old!!! On Tuesday his first tooth came through!!! Bottom right. It's a lovely little fang. He was very stoic about dealing with the pain and only had moments here and there of tears. I really mean moments too. He was fussier in general but was very tough and easily distracted from the pain.
I have been teaching a few classes of pilates at the studio as a substitute teacher. It's not enough to cancel my maternity pay over though. I have enjoyed thinking about something other than Luca for an hour though! Fab has been very generous with his time and has watched Luca for the hour while I teach. It's great that the pilates studio is only a couple blocks from his office. A lucky coincidence we've enjoyed since I moved here.
The weather has been predominantly raining for the last couple weeks. I don't mind too much because colder weather in the summer is easier on a baby than really hot days. I always feel bad when I pull Luca out of the car seat to find him sweaty. Poor thing, he can't cool himself down yet.
Next Friday Fab, Luca and I are coming out to BC. Luca and I are staying 4 weeks while Fab is able to stay for 2 weeks. I can hardly wait! We've been busy trying to tie up loose ends before the trip.
I shot all this video on Monday. I wanted to demonstrate Luca's new developing skills (as a 6 month old) of sitting and standing. Jolly jumper time is always fun too. Unless he's tired, Luca is always very bright and interactive. He loves watching my mouth when I talk, and lately has been big into blowing raspberries and breathing like Darth Vader! Not sure if there's any of that good stuff on this video though.
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