Two teeth!

Fabien, Luca and I arrived in Summerland on Friday the 17th. We have had wonderful weather - for the most part. It's beautiful here and usually over 30 degrees in the day. Fab and I have played golf a few times, tennis, badminton and spent a wonderful day with Luca's cousins Bella and Diego. It's wonderful to have my parents around to look after Luca so Fab and I can spend a little time together. I was really ready for this holiday!
Luca got his second tooth on Monday, another one on the bottom. He also has suddenly started to attempt to crawl. It's more of a belly scooch but he's developing more and more everyday so it could be soon that he gets going full force! With the warm weather, we've been able to put him on a blanket outside so he's getting a lot of the Okanagan's fresh air.
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